
As heatwaves become more frequent and intense worldwide, the need for efficient and sustainable cooling solutions is becoming increasingly apparent. Solar energy presents an attractive option for businesses with large surface areas (over 3000 m²) to meet high cooling loads while contributing to global sustainability efforts.

Renewable Energy Growth:

Despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world experienced a remarkable growth in renewable energy capacity, in 2020 only, adding over 260 gigawatts (GW) and marking a nearly 50% increase compared to the previous year. This growth was seen across all continents, with countries worldwide making significant strides in renewable energy adoption. Solar energy, in particular, saw significant growth, with 127 GW of new installations in 2020, showcasing its recognition as a viable and sustainable solution.

The Impact of Rising Temperatures:

Climate change has led to an increase in the frequency and intensity of heatwaves globally. Europe, in particular, has been heavily impacted, resulting in a surge in cooling demands for businesses and homes. Solar energy offers a unique solution by utilizing the sun's strongest rays during heatwaves to generate electricity. This electricity can power cooling systems, reducing the strain on the grid and lowering energy costs. Additionally, solar energy is sustainable and does not contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.

Solar Energy for Cooling:

Solar energy can be harnessed to power cooling systems, providing a sustainable solution for meeting high cooling demands during heatwaves. This is especially relevant for businesses with large surface areas, such as warehouses, factories, and shopping centers, which often have significant cooling loads. A study by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) found that commercial buildings could offset 20% to 60% of their cooling needs with solar energy, resulting in long-term cost savings.

The Role of Heat Pumps:

Heat pumps play a crucial role in solar energy systems for businesses with high cooling loads. They transfer heat from a cool space to a warm space using electricity, making the cool space cooler and the warm space warmer. During the cooling season, heat pumps can extract heat from a business and move it outdoors, providing comfortable temperatures. When combined with solar energy, heat pumps become even more efficient, resulting in further energy cost reductions.

The Economic and Environmental Benefits:

Investing in solar energy for cooling can lead to significant cost savings for businesses. The cost of solar panels has dropped by 89% in the last decade, making it an increasingly affordable solution. Beyond economic benefits, solar energy for cooling has a positive impact on the environment, reducing reliance on fossil fuels, greenhouse gas emissions, and contributing to global efforts against climate change.


Solar energy offers a compelling solution for businesses with high cooling loads, providing a sustainable, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly way to meet cooling needs, especially during heatwaves. With the growth of renewable energy worldwide, the adoption of solar energy for cooling represents hope for a sustainable future. For businesses interested in exploring solar energy solutions, Enerdeal, as experts in the field, offers customized solutions to meet specific needs. Contact us today to find out more.


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