Z-Export is a series by Canal Z that featurestestimonials on how to export safely in today's world. In this episode, thepartnership between Credendo and Enerdeal is explained.  

“We realizethe most part of our business (Solar Energy Solutions installation, maintenanceand financing) in Belgium and Luxembourg”, says Gregoire de Pierpont (CEO atEnerdeal). And we also work on very specific projects in remote areas suchas Madagascar.

Working inexotic countries involves more risk management (technical,contractual, political) which are heavy to bear alone as a SME. That's preciselywhere Credendo can bring great added value, allowing us to better focus on ourcore business. 

Nabil Jijakli, deputy CEO atCredendo, explains in this interview how Credendo shared with Enerdeal theobjective of working towards a more sustainable economy. With this in mind, Credendohas developed a series of incentives for Belgian companies that participate ina progressive decarbonization of the economy. These include a 98% risk coverage and a 100 million euro envelope tofinance sustainable projects.  

Thanks Canal Z for theinterview.


Illustrated Insights

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