More and more Luxembourgish companies are investing in theirown solar systems. This week, our client Ceratizit [1]from Mamer inaugurated the largest solar carport in Luxembourg.

Solar energy now accounts for almost half of the national installed capacity of electricity generation in Luxembourg. Ceratitiz joins the list of companies that use their available space to produce clean electricity. With an annual production of 1.3 gigawatt hours (GWh) of sustainably generated electricity, the plant covers the consumption of 415 households, equal to the amount of energy needed to drive 7 million km in an electric car or 650 tons of CO2 saved per year.

The carport on the site parking lot, is an example of how companies can maximize their solar potential and thus become less dependent on imports from abroad.

We want to lead the industry sustainability ahead of the Paris Climate Agreement

During the inauguration ceremony in the presence of Prime Minister Xavier Bettel and Energy Minister Claude Turmes, Mr Frank Thome, member of the Board of Directors, further explained their intention to play a leading role among carbide and precision tool manufacturers by 2025. By then, Ceratizit plans to be CO 2 neutral. All emissions occurring along the supply chain are to be offset and actual emissions are to be reduced by 35% by then (compared to the base year 2020). For the second stage, 2030, the company expects a 60% reduction compared to 2020. The plan is to reach "net zero" by 2040.

We hereby wish to express our admiration for such bold ambitions and hope this will inspire others.

[1]The company, based in Mamer, develops and produces highly specialized cutting tools, indexable inserts, hard material bars and wear parts. It develops and produces new grades of hard metals, cermets and ceramics, for example for wood and stone processing. With more than 8,000 employees at over 30 production sites worldwide and a sales network of over 50 branches, the company is a global player in the carbide industry. The products manufactured are used,among others, in machine and tool construction, in the automotive industry, inthe aerospace industry, in the oil and gas industry and in the medical industry.


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